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Dr. Okamoto informs about erysipelas in netdoktor.at

Univ. Prof. Dr. Okamoto informs as a medical expert in dermatology on netdoktor.at about erysipelas

  • What is the cause of erysipelas?
  • What are the typical symptoms?
  • How is the diagnosis made?
  • How do you treat erysipelas?
  • Prognosis and typical complications

Treatment of erysipelas

A typical erysipelas is characterized by red, swollen and painful area (in latin tumor=enlargement, calor=heat, dolor=pain ) which can propagate within a few days. Often, the lymph nodes of the affected are enlarged. Some times, a small injury can be seen in the center, indicating the location of the bacterial infection. In addition to these typical reactions, systemic symptoms such as fever, chill or shivering, malaise and feeling generally sick are common. To treat erysipelas, systemic administration of antibiotics (classically penicillin) is required for 2 weeks. I.v. infusions are more effective than oral therapies and are preferred particularly in sever cases. Painkillers can help to reduce the symptoms (pain, fever), however, they should not be given alone (without antibiotics). Bed rest as well as elevated position of the affected limb (for example leg) is recommended.

In case your symptoms resemble the above mentioned, please do not hesitate and contact your doctor immediately. A medical treatment is essential as delay can lead to sever complications such as sepsis and necrotic fasciitis.
For arranging an appointment for treatment of erysipelas in Vienna, please contact our office by phone +43 1 40114/5701, email (ordination@hautarztokamoto.at) or use the online-form.

Contact Prof. Dr. Okamoto

For appointments, please contact us by phone +43 1 40114/5701, 5702 or 5703, or via E-Mail at ordination@hautarztokamoto.at or contact form.

Contact inquiry

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