Skin care requires to be adjusted to seasonal changes. Conditions in summer, are different to those in the colder seasons.

Skincare in summer: Dr. Okamoto’s interview now on

As an expert on dermatology, Dr. Okamoto informs about skincare in summer in „Hautpflege im Sommer“, published online at

In the Article you can find the following informations:

  • Skin and Hair care in Summer

Areas of expertise of Prof. Dr. Okamoto

Univ. Prof. Dr. Ichiro Okamoto is a board certified dermatologist in the capitol of Austria, Vienna. His private office is located in the Skodagasse 32, 1080 Wien. Please find further information of the area of expertise of Dr. Okamoto as follows:

Contact Prof. Dr. Okamoto

For appointments, please contact us by phone +43 1 40114/5701, 5702 or 5703, or via E-Mail at or contact form.

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